VCI C6 Clone vs TabScan T6

When comparing the VCI C6 Clone and TabScan T6, the C6 clone stands out for its automatic driver installation, which ensures that all necessary files are downloaded correctly. This is a notable advantage, as I initially had to contact the seller to get the right drivers, but eventually, everything worked fine.

Both the C6 clone and the TabScan T6 are recognized as eCOM devices in Vediamo and DTS Monaco. Xentry doesn’t require any configuration in VCI Manager or System Settings for either device—they are properly configured and ready to go after installation and driver rebooting.

Performance Tests

I started by running bench tests on EIS222 and IC222 using the C6 clone. It took a bit longer to gather all the necessary vehicle information, and only then did the quick test start. In contrast, the TabScan T6 was slightly faster during this process.

To further compare, I ran a quick test on a 2017 S205. Both devices performed reliably, but once again, the T6 proved to be faster, particularly when clearing trouble codes.

In Vediamo, both devices operated almost identically, likely due to the older system architecture. However, in DTS Monaco, the T6 outshined the C6. The T6 was noticeably faster when switching between menu items and changing VCDs, making the overall experience smoother. I shared videos with a friend who uses a VXDIAG SE, and they were amazed at the speed of the T6.


Both devices support WLAN (WiFi) connections. I accidentally tested the T6 over WiFi, and it performed flawlessly—stable and smooth. Typically, I prefer wired connections to avoid potential errors caused by slow WiFi, but the T6 demonstrated strong wireless stability.

Overall Performance

Both the C6 clone and TabScan T6 work well with Xentry and other diagnostic software. However, the T6 consistently performed faster in most tasks, making it an impressive tool for speed-sensitive diagnostics.

If you’re interested in seeing these devices in action, feel free to reach out. I have videos showing the speed of the T6 and might have some footage of the C6 as well, although I sold my C6 kit recently.