Title: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Change Oil for Volvo EC18 Electric Machine


Regular maintenance is crucial for the smooth functioning and longevity of any machinery, and the Volvo EC18 Electric Machine is no exception. One important aspect of maintenance is changing the oil in the hydraulic system. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to change the oil for your Volvo EC18 Electric Machine. By following these simple steps, you can ensure the optimal performance and durability of your machine.


Before we dive into the step-by-step process, it is essential to gather the necessary tools and software for this task. You will need:

1. Volvo Techtool 2023 Diagnostic Software for diagnostics
2. Volvo VOCOM 88890300 for connecting and communicating with the machine

Step 1: Safety Precautions
Always prioritize safety when working with machinery. Remember to wear personal protective gloves, goggles, and clothing to protect yourself from potential hazards. Additionally, ensure that the machine is in the service position, with the hydraulic tank drain plug easily accessible.

Step 2: Shutting Down the Machine
Turn off the machine and remove the ignition key to ensure no power is running through the system. Also, turn off the battery disconnect switch for added safety.

Step 3: Collecting Container
Prepare a suitable container to collect the drained hydraulic oil. It is crucial to handle oils and other environmentally hazardous fluids responsibly.

Step 4: Draining the Hydraulic Oil
Locate the drain plug (1) and unscrew it to drain the hydraulic oil into the collecting container. Take caution as the oil may be hot and can cause severe burns. Ensure that you handle the process with care, considering both your safety and the environment.

Step 5: Opening the Hydraulic Oil Tank Cap
Open the hydraulic oil tank cap to access the tank for further maintenance. The hydraulic oil tank also integrates an oil filter, which needs attention during the oil change process.

Step 6: Replacing the Drain Plug
Screw in a new drain plug with a new seal to prevent any leakage or damage to the hydraulic system.

Step 7: Refilling with New Hydraulic Oil
Fill the hydraulic oil tank with new, high-quality hydraulic oil. It is essential to use the same brand and type of oil that is already in the system to avoid damaging the hydraulic system. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the appropriate oil type and quantity.

Step 8: Installing the Hydraulic Oil Tank Cap
Once the hydraulic oil tank is filled, securely install the hydraulic oil tank cap to prevent any contamination or leaks.

Step 9: Running the Machine
Start the machine and run it for a few minutes while operating all hydraulic functions. This step ensures proper circulation of the new oil throughout the system.

Step 10: Checking the Oil Level
Finally, check the hydraulic oil level using the appropriate dipstick or gauge. Ensure that the oil level is within the recommended range as specified in the manufacturer’s guidelines.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can successfully change the oil in your Volvo EC18 Electric Machine. Regular oil changes are vital for maintaining optimal performance, preventing damage, and prolonging the lifespan of your machine. Remember to prioritize safety and environmentally responsible practices throughout the process. If you encounter any difficulties or have specific concerns, consult the Volvo Prosis 2023 2022 2019 software or seek professional assistance.