OBDSTAR X100 and xtool x100 are both car key programmer tool. work on most of brand vehicle all over the world, now we show the difference between them .
1. there two product obdstar x100 and xtool x100 all original, high quality, but difference manufacturer.
OBDSTAR X100 pro is designed by OBDTAR factory
Xtool X100 is designed by Xtool factory
2. their update office website is difference .
OBDSTAR X100 Pro update on:http://www.obdstar.com/ 3 years for free
Xtool X100 update on:http://www.xtooltech.com/, with serial number and register password
3. their function is difference
OBDSTAR X100 Configuration(C+D+E): IMMOBILISER+ OBD Software and Odometer Adjustment + OBD Software+ EEPROM Function
Xtool X100: do not support EEPROM function
4. Support difference vehicles
OBDSTAR X100 pro: do not support Proton
Xtool X100: support Proton