Guide to Using ICOM with BMW VirtualGT1

To use BMW ICOM with BMW VirtualGT1, follow these steps in the specified order:

  1. Connect and Boot Up ICOM:
    • Plug the ICOM device into the car’s OBD port.
    • Wait for the ICOM to boot up completely.
  2. Start DisIcom Application:
    • Launch the DisIcom application on your laptop.
    • Ensure that the ICOM device appears in the application.
  3. Start the DIS or TIS VM:
    • Launch the DIS or TIS virtual machine (VM).
  4. Login to VM:
    • When the VM screen with a triangle shape appears, press Alt+F1 and wait.
    • When the “Login” line appears, press Alt+F2.
  5. Set Up Connection:
    • From the main screen of the VM, navigate to Administration >> Connection setup.
    • Verify that your laptop’s IPv4 address is displayed.
  6. Reserve ICOM:
    • Minimize the VM.
    • In the DisIcom application, press the “Reserve” button for your ICOM head.
  7. Connect VM to ICOM:
    • Return to the VM and press the “Connecting” button. The connection should now be established.
  8. Diagnosis or Programming:
    • Use the navigation buttons to return to the main screen of the VM.
    • Select Diagnosis (and your car model) or Programming.
  9. Switch On Ignition:
    • Use the key to switch on the ignition. You can start the engine if necessary.
  10. Proceed with Diagnosis or Programming:
    • Continue with your desired diagnosis or programming tasks.

Example of Allocated IPv4 Addresses

  • ICOM:
  • Laptop:
  • VM:

By following these steps in order, you can properly use the ICOM with BMW VirtualGT1 for car diagnosis and programming.

More information about bmw icom diagnostic tools, Please visit