Ford VCM3 Communication Issues with IDS 130.05 and Windows 11

Over the past few weeks, some users have experienced communication problems with the Ford VCM3 when using the Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) version 130.05. These issues seem to arise every third or fourth time the VCM3 is used, despite continued functionality with Ford Diagnostic and Repair System (FDRS). Affected users report that the VCM3 behaves as though it is unplugged from the laptop, necessitating recovery via VCM software. This problem persists despite no recent updates to the laptop, which typically runs Windows 11 x64 with ample resources such as RAM and SSD storage.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Compatibility with IDS and Windows 11: Several users have suggested that the issue could stem from compatibility problems between IDS 130.05 and the VCM3, particularly with Windows 11. Notably, Ford does not officially support IDS on Windows 11, which has been flagged for causing similar issues. Disabling the “real-time” virus protection on Windows 11 has helped some users improve IDS performance.

Cable and Connection Problems: Glenn raised the possibility of physical cable damage, especially with frequent wrapping and twisting of connection cables. Additionally, issues with CAT5 cables or compromised ports could also affect communication. Ensuring all connections are intact and using alternative cables have been recommended steps.

Previous Firmware Issues: Chad mentioned that firmware updates for VCM3 helped reduce similar problems in the past. Waiting for the VCM3 to fully power up before connecting it to the laptop has also been a successful workaround for some users.

Using Forscan as a Test: Several participants, including Kris and Jeff, suggested using Forscan to check if the problem persists. Forscan has worked without issues for many users, making it a good diagnostic tool to test continuous VCM3 communication.

Workarounds and Fixes

  1. Reinstall IDS: Uninstalling and reinstalling IDS, while avoiding the most recent version (130.05), has resolved issues for some users. Darrell, for instance, found that installing IDS 130.01 and fully cleaning the laptop helped restore normal functionality.
  2. Disable Antivirus and Firewalls: Disabling Windows Defender and other antivirus programs has been recommended, as they sometimes interfere with IDS and VCM communication. Multiple users have noted significant improvements after doing this.
  3. Use LTSC Version of Windows: To avoid automatic updates and system bloat, some professionals recommend using the Enterprise LTSC version of Windows, which prevents unnecessary updates.


Communication issues between IDS 130.05 and the Ford VCM3 seem to stem from both software compatibility, particularly with Windows 11, and potential hardware or connection problems. Users facing similar problems should try reinstalling IDS, using earlier versions, and ensuring antivirus software isn’t interfering. Forscan may also offer a useful alternative to diagnose ongoing connection issues.