There is the newest software version 2015.03 for mb star c3 car and truck diagnostic tool.
2015.03 version of mb star c3 diagnostcs support Multi-Language: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Ruassian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finish, Greek, Hungarian, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese
If you install Xentry with a normal Xentry key (not a developer ) everything should install fine however sometimes it doesn’t
What should you do?
When Xentry setup copies the files to: F:\programma\xentry directory, you should open the directory F:\programme\xentry\bin
There are 4 files: userconfig.xml, userconfig.xml.ja, userconfig.xml.ko and userconfig.xml.zh.
Just rename them during the copying of the files and the installation will continue fine.
Step 1: Copy DLL: c:\windows\zak\starutils\commonlic.dll(the dll is in the starutils folder).
Step 2: Run Star Utils and the Xentry keygen, genarate then Save the key.
Step 3: Go to DAS DVD: stardiag\InDia_Frame and run setup.exe (for Das 2010, the folder name is: Xentry_frame.
Step 4: Click setup then installation completed. Step 5: Replace 3 files /xentry06-new version/
F:\Programme\Xentry\bin\india\ com.dcx.licencesupport.jar
F:\Programme\Xentry\bin\dlls\ CommonLic.dll
And here it’s done