Range Rover Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor Calibration by Launch x431

Range Rover Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor Calibration by Launch X431

After replace parking control module, cars need to do this function.

2016 Range Rover,VIN:SALWA2VF7GA57****;

1).Use auto search and make sure all information, press “Yes”;

2).Choose “Parking brake control module”;

3).Enter parking brake control module special function,choose “Longitudinal accelerometer

4).Press “Yes” to start this function;

5).Switch on ignition press “Yes”;

6).Parking brake your car in a flat ground, press “Yes”;

7).Press “Yes” to start calibration;

8).Longitudinal acceleration sensor calibration completed, press “Yes”;

9).Turn off the ignition press “Yes”;

10).Switch on the ignition;

11).Next will clear all DTC, press “Yes”;

12).Clear DTC;

13).Turn off the ignition press “Yes”;

14).Switch on ignition, press “Yes”;

15).Program finished, press “Yes”;